A new chapter in online gaming creates infinite possibilities for Tokenomics, Governance, and GameFi.

Plano, Texas–(Vehement Media  – November 30, 2021) – Royal Protocol is penetrating the online gaming industry using blockchain technology. GameFi (Decentralized Game-based Finance) is a concept that combines DeFi and non-fungible tokens with gaming, and it’s having a revolutionary effect on the industry at large.

For most people, online gaming is nothing more than a pastime that provides entertainment. Unfortunately, players are limited in what they can do in these games, as none of the in-game assets are theirs to control or sell.

GameFi changes this concept by combining the best of DeFi through a new breed of blockchain games that remove the play-to-win model in favor of play-to-earn.

Royal Protocol is a revolutionary digital ecosystem that represents the zenith of blockchain technology, game development, and the concept of Immutable Truth. Royal Protocol allows players unprecedented access to interactive digital entertainment while seamlessly reaping financial rewards through a fully-integrated, intuitive gaming economy by breaking down complex technological barriers.

Combining digital interactive entertainment and decentralized finance to introduce the concept of GameFi makes Royal Protocol more than an update to mainstream gaming; it’s an evolution and the very definition of utilization for gaming currencies as we know it.

Online gaming, especially risked-based games, usually end in one of two ways. Either the player triumphs over the odds and wins or they lose all their money in a roll of the metaphorical dice.

Between dark patterns and permanent loss, digital gaming is naturally exploitative.

That’s what Royal Protocol, a software development company from Texas, set out to change. By giving power back to gamers, they are leading a revolution in the digital world.

Royal Protocol is the center of an ecosystem that powers projects like Royal Arcade Rewind (RAR), The Royal Arcade Certification, NFTySwap, CryptoDegenz, a proprietary, integrated crypto wallet, and more. By harnessing the power of multiple blockchains, it’s a platform that promotes the next generation of digital interactive entertainment.

This is a space where players are finally able to approach games that are exciting and safe. Through open accountability, Royal Protocol creates a transformative blockchain ecosystem through innovative technology that advances basic safety and accessibility for players and investors alike.

“We aren’t just a game development company, or a crypto company, or a DeFi company,” says Rachel, Royal Protocol’s Director of Copy. “We are an organization that’s building anything and everything that could play a role in the future of online interactions. Royal Protocol is designing a single destination where everyone can enjoy games, own digital assets, build wealth, conduct secure transactions, participate in community events, and more, all from the safety of a convenient ecosystem.”

Empowering gamers is reflected in the organization’s firm focus on patent-pending technology, Royal Arcade Rewind (RAR).

Imagine if losing didn’t mean “pay up or game over?”

RAR makes even the most crushing defeat merely temporary, while victories are as rewarding as ever. The futuristic concept overhauls the fundamentals of risk-based games by simply freezing tokens over for a short period after a loss before releasing them back to the user. It provides gamers with a thrilling third option: Wait out the cooldown period, regain their lost tokens, and play again as many times as they’d like.

The innovation lets its players risk everything, and lose nothing, so even those with a history of gambling can comfortably play these games without incurring a permanent loss.

Spearheaded by an international team of experts, Royal Protocol’s breakthrough design, flawless UI, unparalleled security means that every game on the RAR platform brings exceptional value to online gaming for users to immerse themselves in.

This utility goes beyond simply hosting websites where players can access their favorite content but fulfills a purpose that barely scratches the surface of overall functionality.

“We believe gaming has the potential to be so much more than just a pastime,” explains Rachel. “By removing the component of permanent risk, it transforms into a viable tool for financial empowerment. And RAR is just our first product release. Royal Protocol is also in the process of securing numerous other patents which will impact far more than just the world of digital gaming.”

Royal Protocol’s people-centric approach is also evident in their governance token (GROY). They have upgraded old voting mechanisms so GROY holders can have a fair and meaningful say in the company’s direction, and getting GROY has never been easier. Participants can track their progress on the leaderboard and win extra rewards, like swag bags which include physical ROY collector tokens.

In the end, Royal Protocol makes one thing very clear: Change can only be brought by those bold enough to break away from the status quo, and innovation can only come from real imagination. That’s why organizations like Royal Protocol are so noteworthy. Reinvention is only the first step.

Media Contact:

Company: Royal Protocol
Email: kelvin@royalprotocol.io

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