Panama City, Panama–(Vehement Media – November 22, 2021) – Giving NFTs utilities is one of the special criteria that set Infinite Launch apart from other NFT marketplace, and so far it has been proven to be giving people good reasons to buy. Therefore, Infinite Launch’s first collection – Bonny Bastard – has reached 3000 BNB trading volume within 7 days.

Infinite Launch

The NFT Marketplace of Specialty, Utility and Artistry

Among such big and emerging NFT marketplace categories, Infinite Launch stands out as a platform for high quality merchandise trading only. This impressive differentiation is built upon these three key product attributes: Specialty, utility and artistry.

The reason why Infinite Launch is called specialty is that only qualified NFTs are listed for trading. Unlike other open NFT marketplaces on which normal traders are free to list and trade every kinds of NFT, including innocuous ones, Infinite Launch focuses on promoting the collections or NFTs that carry a true tangible essence which have a high potential to accelerate their values Bearing that purpose in mind, their crew members constantly conduct deep research and analysis before putting on sale any particular NFTs collection. This method ensures the item can only be traded when it passes strict criteria to prove the true potential.

Going deeper into the qualification criteria, the utility of this marketplace is being highlighted by the inner power of NFTs traded. Its specific utilities can help owners gain benefits in real life, such as being an item to help increase owners’ power in a GameFi project on Infinite Launch, or an invitation to an exclusive event with celebrities. Most of all, no utility is better than the ownership and profit acceleration. Infinite Launch has turned every NFTs traded on their platform into a golden ticket to their Infinite Launch IDO launchpad. In specific, NFT holders can grant a guaranteed allocation slot for the IDO of the launchpad itself and accelerate their profit when they stake the governance token thanks to the addition of Annual Percentage Rate (APR). Last but not least, Infinite Launch not only recognizes the NFT holders but also appreciates and rewards NFTs traders by providing remarkable benefits based on their trading volume ranking, such as a fee reduction or an exclusive collection airdrop.

Much as being amazed by the two attributes above, users may have goosebumps by its ace: the collaboration with globally-recognized artists. In detail, NFTs listed on Infinite Launch mark the handshake between the platform and reputable artists from all over the world. This not only adds a true artistic value and rarity to the NFT itself but also triggers public attention towards the merchandise. Thereby, the artwork price has higher chance to rocket, creating more profit for its owner.

Outstanding Performance For Such a Newly-established Platform

With these unique features, Infinite Launch has gained remarkable achievements in the first launching week. Within 7 days after the launch, the marketplace carried more than 14.000 transactions and reached over 3000 BNB trading volume. Regarding these outstanding performances, it is clearly seen that Infinite Launch marketplace has debuted one of the top 8 most traded, open NFT marketplace of all blockchain systems, according to Dapp Radar.

“Even Infinite Launch ourselves didn’t expect the marketplace to achieve such flying numbers only a few days after launching as we only have merely 1.500 users at the moment. With this number of traders but generating noticeable results, we see this as a testament for our strategy and product philosophy. We choose to go for a niche market (not opening for any NFT to be listed) and prefer high quality merchandise, which resonates with the NFT enthusiast community. We will keep enhancing our marketplace and aim to turn this into, not the biggest NFT marketplace, but the one that guarantees the greatest benefits for users,” says Mai Bang, Infinite Launch’s Co-Founder.

Besides the magnificent performance of the marketplace, we also see such great attention and interest for the currently listed NFTs collection: Bony Bastards. In just 5 days after opening for trading, the price of a Bony Bastards item marked a record of 15 BNB, which is a 15.000% increase compared to the initial selling price – 0.1 BNB.

Bony Bastards – the Open Gateway to Infinite Launch

Bony Bastards is the first collection in the series of NFT that Infinite Launch has partnered with renowned artists across the world. The collection under the name Bony Bastards with 8,888 unique art pieces inspired by a skeleton theme. Each is unique as it is randomly generated from 52 multiple traits stored on-chain like faces, heads, eyes, hands, clothes, background and accessories, which adds more value to the NFT. Some NFTs have rare traits (~2%), such as Devil Horn or Death Guitar hands. 

Right after the official launch, Infinite Launch’s token will be listed on one of the top 10 most-traded Centralized Exchange globally, so stay tuned and get ready for the biggest rocket launching in 2021.

About Infinite Launch

Infinite Launch is a cross-chain launchpad for hand-picked DeFi and NFT projects, with the first-ever mechanism to allow token holders to lock away their coins for specific IDO allocations.

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